Marriese Jones on Restoring Fatherhood During Social Division

Something that’s considered to be taboo by the media today is the destruction of families. Marriese Jones joins David Gornoski to discuss fatherhood and how restoring families can heal our nation. Jones also talks about his ministry work in prisons and how community building from the ground up, and not top-down coercion, is the path […]

Dr. Weiping Yu on Dark-Matter ‘Holy Grail’, Neutrinos, Plus Jeff Deist on MMT

On Science and U, Dr. Weiping Yu discusses the news of an Italian lab’s dark-matter experiment and the discovery of a new particle. Why are the laws of physics unable to explain this phenomenon? Dr. Yu questions whilst arguing that this new particle may not be ‘new’ in the strictest sense. The physicist also comments […]

Eric Garris on the Antiwar Movement, Chad Marks Returns Home

Americans don’t realize how much of our political system is tied to war profiteering, says Eric Garris, and whenever our government doesn’t like anything that another country does, we starve their people by imposing sanctions. The founder of also comments on the latest indictments on Julian Assange. Should Assange be punished for revealing the truth about […]

TK Coleman: Race Relations, Justice, and the Market

TK Coleman, Director of Entrepreneurial Education at FEE and Co-Founder of Praxis, joins the show to discuss how he reconciles free-market economics with his faith. “Freedom has always seemed scary,” Coleman says, “Whenever you talk about freedom you always strike a nerve on our desire to control other people.” Is there a threat of governments […]

Jerry Bowyer: How Jesus Would Approach Social Justice, Policing

Jerry Bowyer, economist and editor of Townhall Finance, joins David Gornoski to talk about the pandemic, conservatism, and the social justice movement. On the pandemic lockdowns, Bowyer observes that we far too often think politically on scientific issues and that top-down solution is not always the answer. This is a problem that exists in conservatism, […]

Rich Communists Hijack Justice

“Right now, we have rich communists and socialists–hand-in-hand with big corporations–hijacking people’s justice.” Host Gornoski compares socialism to the stiff crust of cheap pizza which nobody wants but big corporates. If the left are so concerned about green energy and environment why is it that nuclear fusion is never discussed among them? Do these folks […]

James Lindsay on Understanding Wokeness, Critical Race Theory

In a time when liberalism has been attacked as the source of society’s ills, what can be done to redeem it? Author, mathematician, and political commentator Dr. James Lindsay joins David Gornoski to discuss what liberalism really is. Dr. Lindsay describes ‘wokeness’ as a religion running rampant at Academia and claims that critical theory, the […]

Criminal Justice Panel Plus Lara Logan on Antifa

“If marijuana is a gateway drug, so are alcohol and cigarettes,” says Amy Povah. The founder of CAN-DO Clemency returns on this episode with Rufus Rochell to talk about the recent compassionate releases and the others in waiting. One of many imprisoned for non-violent offenses is John Bolen who received 9 life sentences for a […]

Pastor Dr. Darrell Scott on Criminal Justice, Police Reform

Dr. Darrell Scott, pastor of New Spirit Revival Center and CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, joins the show to discuss police and criminal justice reform. Dr. Scott believes that we should be sensitive to both sides of the current issue over police reform; excessive force should be dealt with but we have […]

Detective John Baeza on the Rayshard Brooks Shooting

Former NYPD detective John Baeza calls in to comment on the disbanding of plainclothes officers in New York City and the Wendy’s police shooting in Atlanta. Detective Baeza believes that the disbanding has nothing to do with reform and more to do with pandering to certain interest groups. On the Rayshard Brooks shooting, Baeza brings […]