The Desire to Change Reality With Words

“There’s this desire in our society to change reality with words,” David Gornoski says as he highlights the attempt to make actual violence passé while justifying violence against nonviolent persons. How ridiculous is Disney’s labeling of their own products as offensive? How religious is woke culture? Join David as he takes on Big Tech censorship, […]

THINGS HIDDEN 29: Andrew McLuhan on Marshall McLuhan, Rene Girard, and How Media Becomes Us

David Gornoski sits down with Andrew McLuhan, director of the McLuhan Institute and grandson of Marshall McLuhan. The two discuss the overlaps between Marshall McLuhan and Rene Girard; how Marshall McLuhan rose to fame; the relation between technology and language; pandemic mask-wearing as a theatrical gesture; how changes in technology impact desire; and more. How […]

The Politicization of Science Under Fauci

David Gornoski talks about the upcoming CPAC and the reports of Trump giving his first speech post-presidency. What do conservatives need to win the future? Join David as he answers this question by highlighting why we must not only tell the truth about the news but also live by the right principles. Was there a […]

Michael Harrison on Rush Limbaugh and the Future of Talk Radio

David Gornoski starts the episode by briefly going through some of the latest news. David is joined by Talkers Magazine’s Michael Harrison who talks at length about the influence of Rush Limbaugh and what made him so successful. What lies in the future for talk radio? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also […]

THINGS HIDDEN 28: “Reagan’s Terrible Sword” Donald J. Devine on Rene Girard, The Enduring Tension

David Gornoski sits down with Donald J. Devine, political scientist and author of The Enduring Tension. David and Dr. Devine touch on a variety of topics such as the deep political divide in America, the decline of conservative influence in media, the impact of Rene Girard’s work on anthropology, Dr. Devine’s experience of working with […]

Jeff Deist on Rush Limbaugh and the Texas Power Outage

Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute returns to the show to comment on the Texas power outage that has been making headlines around the country. Is this power crisis due to an overreliance on solar panels? What does this episode reveal about green energy? How influential was Rush Limbaugh? How deep is economics’ connection to culture and […]

Science and U: Perseverance Lands Safely on Mars

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another brand new segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the latest news that the NASA rover Perseverance has landed on Mars and has begun searching for signs of ancient life. How are the prospects looking for future colonization on Mars? Dr. Yu also comments on a new […]

Blame Games Sap the Power From America

Is America’s electrical infrastructure on the downslide as the Texas power outage seems to be indicating? What is the reason behind these increasing power outages across the country? “When all you’re focused on is the lunchroom drama, nobody knows how to keep the lights on the lunchroom itself.” Is capitalism to blame for unjust outcomes? […]

Biden Goes to Bat for CCP

David Gornoski continues his tribute to Rush Limbaugh while focusing on some of the latest news stories from around the country. How does the Left’s reaction to Limbaugh’s passing compare to Trump’s reaction to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing? Is China’s human rights violation due to cultural differences as Biden claims? Is Gina Carano right in […]

Rush Limbaugh Rests in Peace

David Gornoski starts the episode by paying tribute to Rush Limbaugh while highlighting how the conservative radio icon spoke for the heartland of America. Is this the end of an era for conservatism? Why is the corporate press miserably gleeful over Limbaugh’s passing? Join David as he answers these questions while also commenting on stories […]