THINGS HIDDEN 31: Jonathan Pageau on Satanic Inversion and the Anti-Christ

In this edition of THINGS HIDDEN, David Gornoski is joined by renowned icon carver Jonathan Pageau, host of the Symbolic World podcast. David and Jonathan talk about the anthropology of Rene Girard as seen from a symbolic perspective. They also cover the peculiar situation of the modern world with its weird shift in narratives, the […]

Hope In a Fallen Empire With Clint of Liberty Lockdown

In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by Clint from the Liberty Lockdown podcast. The two discuss some of the most important topics of our time including the corporate media’s stoking of civil unrest in America; the government’s failure to address real issues in law enforcement; the failing empire of the status quo in DC; […]

School Lockdowns, Det. John Baeza on Chauvin Trial

David Gornoski starts the episode by making a stellar case that government, along with its system of indoctrination and coercion, is religion in its very essence. “If at the heart of the institution there is preemptive violence then the whole thing is rotten to the core.” Joining David is Det. John Baeza who calls in […]

Jeff Deist on Court Packing Chaos

David Gornoski is joined by the Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist who comments on the latest Democrat agenda of increasing the number of judges in SCOTUS. Does the expansion bill stand any chance in the house? How can conservatives be forward-looking instead of being reactionary all the time? Should we expect a scandal involving Ron DeSantis? […]

Science and U: The Universe Is a Self-Teaching Machine

Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, is back with more Science and U. The physicist comments on the news that a cancer patient who caught coronavirus saw his tumor disappear. Does COVID have the capability of killing cancer? Dr. Yu answers this question and also comments on the claim that […]

How the Powers Will Be Defeated

David Gornoski recounts his conversation on Clubhouse on Rene Girard’s thoughts on the apocalypse and how the powers of this world will be defeated? Why are social institutions losing their appeal? Is Biden really ending the forever war in Afghanistan as the media claims or is he simply delaying the withdrawals? Why did Twitter ban […]

Phony Concerns and McWoke Corporations

Is the Constitution worth preserving when we see the political elites ignoring it whenever they see fit? Why do big corporations care about how we vote? Listen to the full episode to find out. Plus, David comments on the continuing erosion of our liberties and the entrenchment of the surveillance state in news stories such […]

Biden “Ends” Forever War, Brandon Sharpe on HEROES Act

Is Biden really ending the war in Afghanistan as the state-submitted media claims? Why did the corporate press ignore the shooting of Ashley Babbitt? Is cheese racist? Join David Gornoski as he gets to the bottom of these questions. Plus, Brandon Sharpe, host of the Bustin EXP podcast, calls in to talk about the HEROES […]

Jeffrey Tucker on Lockdown Mania

In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by Jeffrey Tucker, Editorial Director of the American Institute for Economic Research. David and Jeffrey touch on a variety of important topics such as the growing censorship of information, the politicization of science, the lockdowns, the return of the middle ages, the scapegoating of Trump, and more. Is […]

Bright News with Shannon Braswell

David Gornoski starts the episode by pointing out how society is now run by a deep religious faith in government bureaucrats as opposed to actual science. Has Facebook become apologists for the KKK? Listen to the full episode to find out. Plus, Shannon Braswell calls in to talk about Seattle angst, the Bright News project, […]