There Are No Kids in Cages

A new transmission has arrived at A Neighbor’s Choice: “There are no kids in cages,” the state-submitted media declares. Why are we refusing to humble ourselves and submit to the state? Why are we being defiant by promoting liberty and free-thinking? “Perhaps it is our lack of faith in the state that has led us […]

Consecrated Chaos Explained

David Gornoski starts the episode by breaking down the exchange with Rand Paul and Fauci on COVID immunity. Was Fauci able to prove that vaccinated individuals should wear masks for protection? Does Fauci “follow the science” or is there religiosity in following him? What did Rene Girard mean when he said “religion is the placenta […]

Biden Falls in Front of Whole World

David Gornoski comments on some of the latest news from around the world such as the exchange between Rand Paul and Fauci, Putin’s reaction to Biden’s remarks, Biden falling down on the stairs to Air Force One, Biden’s decision to fund abortions on a global scale, and more. How do we navigate away from the […]

Jeff Deist on Why Politics Don’t Work

Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist returns to the show to comment on the latest news stories. Should Critical Theory be banned from schools? Should people be arrested for “hateful conduct” that is not illegal? Do politicians really aim for positive change are they more interested in keeping things the way they are? What is the real […]

Science and U: Lifeforms Discovered on ISS

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the discovery of microbes that may help grow crops in space, the discovery of molecules never before seen in space, the existence of black holes, and more. Did lightning play a role in the development of life on Earth? […]

Cultivating Confidence in a Broken Society

How do we solve the problems that we see today? David Gornoski starts the episode by making a strong case for voluntary trade, creative entrepreneurship, and unhindered innovation. How are political extremists like Antifa created? How can we cultivate healthy confidence in society? How do we cultivate good and life-affirming role models for others to […]

David Gornoski on Culinary Libertarian: René Girard, Mimetics, and Mythology

David Gornoski recently appeared on Dann Reid’s “The Culinary Libertarian” podcast. Culinary Libertarian: “David Gornoski discusses René Girard’s mimetics theory with me as we discuss how ancient man’s basic practices to survive apply to life today. On the way, we find parallels to the state, religion, and the Divine.” Listen to the Culinary Libertarian podcast […]

David Gornoski on Liberty Lockdown Podcast: Freedom Through Sacrifice

Liberty Lockdown Podcast · Ep 64 David Gornoski David Gornoski recently appeared on the Liberty Lockdown podcast. “With all due respect to the unbelievable guests I’ve had on this is hands down the most revelatory, beautiful, spiritually uplifting episode I’ve ever done. For your own sake, don’t miss it” –Liberty Lockdown Follow Liberty Lockdown podcast […]

The State Is a False Messiah

David Gornoski continues his analysis of the news. David comments on Glen Greenwald’s latest column that highlights the decline in journalism as evidenced by the Capitol protests coverage. How do we break the addiction to politics that is peddled to us by the corporate media? Listen to the full episode as David Gornoski dissects the […]

Choosing the Right Role Models

David Gornoski starts off the episode with a passionate plea to break the mythmaking of DC that is keeping us mired in cycles of envy and violence. David also comments on the news of the Atlanta killings which claimed the lives of eight people. What is the reason behind such killings? How can we avoid […]