Australian Reports on Local Tyranny

Triple-dosed Israel still has skyrocketing cases of COVID. Why is this happening? Joining David Gornoski to report on the near-Orwellian state of Australia is Randall Evans who illustrates how Australians are being subjected to ever-present digital surveillance, snitching by neighbors, curtailing of religious freedom, and identity theft by the authorities. Will the authoritarian tyrants prevail […]

Predatorial Elitists Pretending Indulgences

What would Brigadier General Smedley Butler think of General Milley’s attempt to prolong America’s endless wars? What does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s outfit at the Met Gala reveal about the establishment Left? Can General Milley pretend to be concerned for victims while bombing innocents in Afghanistan? Why is the Biden administration planning on giving aid to the […]

How to Defeat the Book Burners

What do we do when we are censored by companies like YouTube and Facebook from telling the truth? Join David Gornoski as he comments on his YouTube ban and the constant censoring of the voices of victims. How can we build our own independent platforms free from state and Big Tech coercion? Is General Milley […]

Lockdowns and the Milgram Experiment

We saw what Pfizer was doing in Nigeria with experimental drugs and we saw how this backfired on them, David Gornoski reminds us as he starts the show. Will the establishment succeed in creating unanimity with their scapegoating narratives? How can we see the Stanley Milgram experiment playing out in these lockdowns? Is there a […]

Civilization, Science, Decency vs the Maddened Mob

Medical science was never a one-size-fits-all field, David Gornoski emphasizes as he comments on the government agenda to decree medicine. Does the Democratic party care about victims of sexual assault? Should medical science be subject to the logic of the crowd? How does government coercion via groupthink work from a psychological perspective? How do we […]

Doug Casey Examines the Tough Road Ahead

David Gornoski sits down with Doug Casey, author and the founder of Casey Research, for an exciting and insightful conversation on the current state of world economics. Are we gradually progressing towards another great depression? What significance can we derive from the Afghanistan retreat? Are we seeing a decline of integrity in the US military? […]

THINGS HIDDEN 47: Christ Beyond Metaphysics with Anthony Bartlett

In this brand new THINGS HIDDEN conversation, David Gornoski is joined by Anthony Bartlett who talks about his new book Theology Beyond Metaphysics. Why do we need a theology beyond metaphysics? How is the Christian Logos radically different from its Greek predecessor? Is the world capable of critiquing violence without Christianity? Why does the old […]

Jim Babka on the Battle Against Pandemic Scapegoating

The word “dictator” is trending worldwide. Why? David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on the faulty practices of state-submitted nutritional science, especially with regards to the harmful effects of vegetable and seed oils. Is Jimmy Kimmel trying to impress his Big Pharma sponsors with his latest remarks? Jim Babka, the President of, joins […]

Biden Desperately Turns to Scapegoating

They won’t tell you to stop eating the vegetable oils, which have been scientifically proven to be harmful, but they’ll tell your kids to get experimental drugs based on two months’ data. “Demagogues in empty suits are the perfect candidates to thrive in DC,” David Gornoski says. Joining David for this episode is Jerry Bowyer, […]

Jeff Deist on Biden’s Failing Attempt to Look Authoritative

The Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist calls in to talk about the Biden administration’s all-out effort to mandate medicine; the scapegoating of the unvaccinated; beer restrictions in Australia; the government’s blaming of meatpackers for rising prices; how government drives inequality from a monetary perspective; and more.