California Workers Defy Newsome, Why Mandates Don’t Work

Has the Southwest Airlines strike succeeded? Have Californian state workers complied with Gavin Newsome’s drug mandate? What’s the latest development in Joe Rogan’s verbal battle with the corporate press and Big Tech censorship? Join David Gornoski as he takes on the latest news while emphasizing the need for empathy in our cultural discourses. Plus, Jon […]

China’s Missiles, Bags of Sugar Water

Frequent guest Sir Owen returns to A Neighbor’s Choice to comment on the causes of the global supply chain disruption, China overtaking the US as the global military superpower, why America must accommodate China in its dealings, Colin Powell’s tainted legacy, and more. Plus, Tucker Goodrich joins David Gornoski to talk about the errors in […]

Lockdown and Liberty Down Under

David Gornoski is joined by Randall Evans who calls in from Australia to give us a breakdown of what’s going on down under, especially with regards to the lockdown tyranny. With all the allegations of corruption, are politicians in Australia finally changing their stances on the lockdowns? Were the heavy-handed restrictions effective? What similarities do […]

Global Supply Chain Disruption, Joe Rogan vs CNN

Are Americans finally waking up to the disastrous results of government overreach? The Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist joins David Gornoski to offer his insights on the latest news such as the disruption of the global supply chain, why inflation is government policy, Joe Rogan’s confrontation with CNN’s Sanjay Gupta, the gaslighting from the corporate press, […]

Science and U: Radio Signal in the Milky Way

David Gornoski begins the segment by responding to a listener’s email on what type of foods we can avoid to reduce vegetable oil consumption. Plus, physicist Dr. Weiping Yu joins David to comment on the latest science news. What is the “extraordinary” unknown radio signal that Astronomers have discovered coming from the Milky Way? Is […]

John Zmirak on the Totalitarian Consequence of Atheism

What’s happening to the global supply chain? Is the post-pandemic disruption and inflation part of the Great Reset? Joining David Gornoski for this episode is John Zmirak, author and editor at the Stream. David and John Zmirak talk about why atheism is a con game and why it destroys the possibility of knowledge; how global […]

The Freedom Flu, Southwest Airlines Strike

Why do so many Twitter profiles claim to “resist” when they want you to comply without question? former WWE wrestler Glenn Jacobs asks. What are the latest developments in the Southwest Airlines pilots’ strike? How do we salvage the rule of law from the passion of the crowd? Jason Jones, host of the Jason Jones […]

Seed Oils and Bipolar Disorder

David Gornoski starts the show with a reflection on the establishment’s attempt to control what trends on social media. Join David as he reports on the latest news stories from around the country, including Florida’s fight against government overreach; the futility of mandating medicine and nutrition; and more. Can diet reduce the symptoms of bipolar […]

The Southwest Airlines Strike, Labor Shortage

Jim Babka, the president of and a friend of the show, joins David Gornoski to talk about the Southwest Airlines strike, why young Americans are not going to work, the dominance of the market by crony capitalism; and more. Also in the show, James Kourtides of the Rooster’s Crow podcast calls in to talk […]

Tho Bishop on “Let’s Go Brandon,” Facebook Whistleblower

The Mises Institute’s Tho Bishop joins David Gornoski to talk about the “Let’s go Brandon” meme; the real agenda behind the Facebook “whistleblower;” the possibility of an alliance between libertarians and populists in battling government overreach and Big Tech censorship; and more.