The Slander of Freedom

We’ve lost so much of our freedoms and yet we’ve become more libertine than ever before. “Because we cling to power and refuse to obey our conscience we have stagnation,” David Gornoski says. The key to having a non-violent and self-sacrificial society is freedom, David argues. “Non-violence and freedom are almost synonymous.” Reject the naysayers […]

David Gornoski on Victimism, Jack Brewer on Christlike Justice

David Gornoski explains why we should reject media-perpetuated fake ‘social justice’ issues and instead focus on real people suffering from real oppression. “Political correctness is all about pretty speech codes while bombing the ever-loving daylights out of innocents around the world.” Like the issues of mass incarceration and wars abroad, David also brings some much-needed […]

Who Lit the Fire in the Minds of Men?

David Gornoski explains how we are forced into mimetic-rivalry by the media and their establishment handlers. How do we escape this divisive culture imposed on us? David argues that we have to voluntarily imitate good role models who exercise self-restraint. “Economic liberty, love of family, and love of culture go hand in hand,” David says, […]

Mark Sunwall on Jacques Ellul and Propaganda

David Gornoski reflects on the joyous news of Craig Cesal coming home and the long road that lies ahead for setting the captives free. Also, anthropologist and economist Mark Sunwall calls in to discuss the work of French philosopher Jacques Ellul. Sunwall brings attention to Ellul’s work on propaganda and how an understanding of Ellul’s […]

Michael Rectenwald on Woke Culture’s Destructive Impact on Society

Listen to the podcast below: Michael Rectenwald, author of Beyond Woke and Springtime Snowflakes, calls in to discuss political correctness in modern academia and the postmodern scholars that gave rise to ‘woke’ culture. Rectenwald talks about his experience of fighting SJWs at New York University; the scholar likens Woke culture to a religious movement, devoid […]

Edie Darling on Being an Ambassador for Peace, Jim Bovard Updates on the Duncan Lemp Case

Motivational speaker, law enforcement officer, and author, Edie Darling joins David Gornoski to talk about her book and the George Floyd murder. Edie draws some fascinating insights from growing up in a segregated society. “What oppresses one group of people, oppresses all,” she says whilst challenging us to change our divisive way of thinking into […]

Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks on Steps to Build Trust During Division

David Gornoski continues in showing us how we can unplug ourselves from the matrix of violence. Also, Pastor Corey Brooks of the New Beginnings Church calls in to discuss his six steps for bridging the great divide of America right now. On getting rid of non-violent crime laws and qualified immunity, Pastor Brooks says, “As […]

Truth is Like an Orchestra

How do we break free from the half-truths of mimetic rivalry? “There is meaning, truth, and right and wrong,” says David Gornoski as he dismisses relativism and brings attention to humanity’s addiction to power. David comments on the news around CHAZ in Seattle and points to how we are always forced into worshipping one person […]

Dr. Yu on How Exercise Changes Molecules and Magnetism Recharges Devices, Jeff Deist on Civil Unrest

‘A single session of exercise alters 9,815 molecules in our blood,’ a new study claims. Dr. Yu calls in to comment on this study and ties it to his theory of how vibration breaks down, restructures, and forms newer and healthier molecules. The physicist also offers his fascinating insights on a new technology that can […]

Dr. Barry Kort on Systems Thinking vs. Rules

Dr. Barry Kort, scientist and MIT engineer, joins David Gornoski to discuss Systems Thinking. Dr. Kort takes us through the development of what is known as Chaos Theory and then describes how laws came to be in ancient civilizations. Rules-based societies often lead to more chaos, says Dr. Kort as he explains how we need […]