TRUMP: Is He Guilty? Lies Your Liberal Teacher Told You w/ Wilfred Reilly

David Gornoski sits down with Kentucky University Professor Wilfred Reilly to talk about the hostility to WNBA’s Caitlin Clark, the impact of Trump’s conviction, Reilly’s upcoming book “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me,” religion as a binding agent, low testosterone, and more. Buy Prof. Reilly’s book here.

THINGS HIDDEN 195: What Should We Be Doing?

David Gornoski and James Kourtides talk about Trump’s conviction, how Trump has influenced other politicians, the need for decentralization, patent gnosticism vs incarnational innovation, what free market medical industry looks like, healing the soil for abundant crops, and more. Check out James Kourtides’ YouTube channel.

The Science: Peter McCullough MD Exposes Disease X Bird Flu Agenda

David Gornoski is joined by the returning Dr. Peter McCullough for an exciting episode of the Science. Are we facing a bird flu outbreak? Will Fauci and Co face any accountability? Why did the WHO treaty fail? Listen to the full show to find out. Visit Dr McCullough’s Substack here.

The Total State and its Holy Ghost Undoing w/ Auron Macintyre

Auron Macintyre, author of The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies, joins the show to talk about what’s wrong with mainstream conservatism, the underdog energy of Trump, whether history is cyclical, the reigning pseudo-gnostic worldview, the Christ-hauntedness of Trump’s trial, what “loving your enemies” looks like, and more. Buy The Total State here.

Seed Oil Survival: Are PUFAs Essential? Sugar vs Starch, Thoughts on Ray Peat with Tucker Goodrich

Tucker Goodrich returns to the show to look back at the Ray Peat bioenergetic paradigm while also addressing PUFA damage, qualms about Keto diet, whether Omega 6 should be avoided, sugar vs starch, and more. Read Tucker’s Substack here.

Trump at the Libertarian Party Convention – My Thoughts

David Gornoski breaks down Trump’s presence at the Libertarian Party Convention and the state of libertarianism in America. Is libertarianism the closest philosophy to Christianity? What do libertarians lack when it comes to anthropology?

THINGS HIDDEN 194: Finding the Sweet Wonder of Life

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta talk about the wonders of being pro-life. They start the conversation on how the Eucharist saves the world from cannibalism and then move into how humans are attracted and repulsed like magnets. Why do moderns recoil at differences? Does Christianity mean to deprive ourselves of the good things in life?

Imprisoning Trump Destroys the Prison State

David Gornoski connects the anthropology of the Cornerstone Effect with the current administration’s persecution of Donald Trump. Why is prison the best thing that could happen to Trump right now? Does the Left worship Trump? Listen to the full show to find out.

THINGS HIDDEN 193: The Christ Haunted Town of Twin Peaks

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta explore David Lynch’s TV series Twin Peaks through a Gospel-oriented anthropological lens. Among the topics covered are Lynch’s cyclical narratives, the truth behind whodunnit mysteries, how the haunting of Laura Palmer translates into the real world, and more. The Twin Peaks analysis video we talk about is here.

THINGS HIDDEN 192: Power Made Perfect

David Gornoski talks about the futility of power-grabbing politics, how to really defeat fear-filled mythologies, the bias against innovation in dissenting media, gnostic/dualistic trappings, co-participating with God in the renewal of the world, and more.