Entries by David Gornoski

Why Jesus Is More Relevant Today Than Ever (Illegitimate Scholar Podcast appearance)

David Gornoski recently appeared on Samuel Urban’s Illegitimate Scholar Podcast to discuss mimetic theory, seed oils, ritual cannibalism, and more. “In this episode, Illegitimate Scholar is joined by David Gornoski, host of ‘A Neighbor’s Choice,’ to explore anthropology, mimetic theory, and the intersection of faith, culture, and knowledge. David discusses the role of Christianity in […]

The Uon Theory

David Gornoski interviews physicist Dr. Weiping Yu about his unified theory of everything, Uon Theory. In it, the nature of light, electricity, gravity, and magnetism are explained. Recorded almost a decade ago, this provides the world with the first documentary exploration of the new paradigm of physics.

Hot, Humid Obesity w/ Helen (Blue)

David Gornoski and Helen talk about the various issues of living at sea level, where physiology is going, Ray Peat and Rupert Sheldrake’s work, the Neo-Darwinist bias in science, CO2 retention at high altitude, excess estrogen, Rene Girard, and more. Follow Helen on X here.

Ray Peat’s Energy, Gilbert Ling’s Magnetic Jelly Cell, and Weiping Yu’s Uon Particle

David Gornoski sits down with Peter (“Bioenergetic Brain” on X) for a fascinating conversation on high altitude living, the findings of Gilbert Ling, the biology behind lunchroom dramas, how energy functions in cells, the Yin Yang of estrogen and progesterone, why society is downstream from thyroid, reducing lactic acid, and more. Follow Bioenergetic Brain on […]

The Last Enemy Is Death with Joe Bianco

Are we meant to live eternally on Earth? David Gornoski and Joe Bianco begin the conversation by addressing important dietary questions. The discussion then moves into how Christianity promises to make the world anew, the dialectical tension between body and spirit, why Ray Peat was haunted by the cross, and more. Subscribe to Joseph Bianco’s […]