Ray Peat’s Bold Insights on High Altitude Health Benefits – Seed Oil Survival

David Gornoski explores Ray Peat’s observation on how living at high altitudes increases longevity and lessens the chances of cancer and obesity.

Dory Funk Jr and David Gornoski Tribute Osamu Nishimura with “My Way”

What an amazing moment to host Dory Funk Jr’s latest wrestling show for his promotion Bang TV. I did it My Way by regaling the crowd with a ballad for the ages in tribute to Bang TV’s iconic world champion Osamu Nishimura. –David Gornoski

THINGS HIDDEN 199: The Incarnational Structure of Popular Media

David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell talk about getting typecast in the entertainment industry, why rap music will die out, outlaw mimesis, longing for communion in media, the influence of televangelism on livestreaming, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 198: Does the Parrot Dream at Night?

David Gornoski, Shannon Braswell, and Surit Dasgupta talk about migrant violence, matriarchy in Eastern culture, how capitalism disrupted Indian society, performative language in Eastern societies, subcultures, the N’Kisi project, the physics of mimesis, and more.

Dr. Paul Alexander: They’re Going to Kill Trump (The Science)

Dr. Paul Alexander sits down with David Gornoski for an intriguing conversation on whether there actually was a pandemic, government deception, how the establishment plans to take out Trump, how Fauci can be held accountable, and more. Dr. Paul Alexander’s Substack.

Red Lobster Vultures and Apocalyptic Economics

David Gornoski and Shane Kennedy get together to discuss who AI will replace in the future, social media mimesis, the decline of energy in the physical world, Red Lobster woes, how to be economically free, and more.

Steve Bannon Goes to Prison, Why Power Politics is DYING

Why is it futile to engage in power politics? David Gornoski answers this question and talks about Steve Bannon’s arrest, how Christ-hauntedness drives culture, how evil can be overcome, the stupidity of online influencing, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 197: How Victimism Retards Progress

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta talk about how victimism stifles progress in our society, the loss of trust, lack of desire for excellence, how to regain the frontier spirit, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 196: Why Do Badgers Fight?

David Gornoski, Shannon Braswell, Shane Kennedy and Surit Dasgupta get together for an exciting discussion on what made Christians close-minded, why churches must abandon worship of institutions, obsessing over ecclesiology, why there is a lack of joy in church, and more. Check out Bright News here.

TRUMP And The Mimetic Cross (Appearance on 2Bit Podcast)

David Gornoski appears on Jason Mironchuk’s “At the End of the Day” show alongside Q of Mimetic Value. “Many people know of Rene Girard’s theories of desire and violence, but what does his Mimetic Theory and the Scapegoat have to say about Christianity? Are we Westerners haunted by the Cross? Is Trump the scapegoat to […]