
How the Powers Will Be Defeated

David Gornoski recounts his conversation on Clubhouse on Rene Girard’s thoughts on the apocalypse and how the powers of this world will be defeated? Why are social institutions losing their appeal? Is Biden really ending the forever war in Afghanistan as the media claims or is he simply delaying the withdrawals? Why did Twitter ban […]

Jeffrey Tucker on Lockdown Mania

In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by Jeffrey Tucker, Editorial Director of the American Institute for Economic Research. David and Jeffrey touch on a variety of important topics such as the growing censorship of information, the politicization of science, the lockdowns, the return of the middle ages, the scapegoating of Trump, and more. Is […]

Did You Get Your Passport?

David Gornoski starts the episode with a reflection on the culture of coercion that is continually pushed by the state. The host of A Neighbor’s Choice also comments at length on the continuing development of the track and surveillance state by government agencies through health passports and the monopolization of medicine. Has the COVID hysteria […]

Consecrated Chaos Explained

David Gornoski starts the episode by breaking down the exchange with Rand Paul and Fauci on COVID immunity. Was Fauci able to prove that vaccinated individuals should wear masks for protection? Does Fauci “follow the science” or is there religiosity in following him? What did Rene Girard mean when he said “religion is the placenta […]

David Gornoski on Culinary Libertarian: René Girard, Mimetics, and Mythology

David Gornoski recently appeared on Dann Reid’s “The Culinary Libertarian” podcast. Culinary Libertarian: “David Gornoski discusses René Girard’s mimetics theory with me as we discuss how ancient man’s basic practices to survive apply to life today. On the way, we find parallels to the state, religion, and the Divine.” Listen to the Culinary Libertarian podcast […]

David Gornoski on Liberty Lockdown Podcast: Freedom Through Sacrifice

Liberty Lockdown Podcast · Ep 64 David Gornoski David Gornoski recently appeared on the Liberty Lockdown podcast. “With all due respect to the unbelievable guests I’ve had on this is hands down the most revelatory, beautiful, spiritually uplifting episode I’ve ever done. For your own sake, don’t miss it” –Liberty Lockdown Follow Liberty Lockdown podcast […]

Rene Girard on Victims & Culture – Conversation with Isaac Morehouse

“Our culture’s concern for victims is relatively new and radical in human history. Where does it come from? And how does understanding mimetic desire and the scapegoat mechanism make sense of the world?” David Gornoski recently appeared on Isaac Morehouse’s show to answer these questions while discussing Rene Girard’s sociology, and a political philosophy of […]

The Tragedy of Donald Trump (A Literary Analysis of The Trump Presidency)

INTRODUCTION This past week Donald Trump made history by being the first president to be, not only impeached twice, but also to be acquitted of impeachable offenses twice. These recent events that have unfolded have made a lot of Americans upset who feel that President Trump should come to justice for inciting an “insurrection” against […]

THINGS HIDDEN 30: Rene Girard Converts Atheist Philosopher to Christianity

David Gornoski sits down with academic Leigh Fetter who discusses his journey from secular atheism to Christianity by discovering the works of Rene Girard. David and Leigh discuss a variety of topics such as the Christian undermining of ancient myths; the possibility of Orwellian totalitarianism; the Nietzschean problem of recreating values; how Girard provides a […]

THINGS HIDDEN 29: Andrew McLuhan on Marshall McLuhan, Rene Girard, and How Media Becomes Us

David Gornoski sits down with Andrew McLuhan, director of the McLuhan Institute and grandson of Marshall McLuhan. The two discuss the overlaps between Marshall McLuhan and Rene Girard; how Marshall McLuhan rose to fame; the relation between technology and language; pandemic mask-wearing as a theatrical gesture; how changes in technology impact desire; and more. How […]