
John Odermatt on the Hidden Victims of the Drug War

Sixty-five percent of Americans believe in aliens, an Axios poll says. Join David Gornoski as he comments on the latest news and highlights why we must reject self-destructive sacrificial violence and coercion and look towards creativity. Also in the show, David is joined by John Odermatt from the Lions of Liberty podcast who calls in […]

Questions on McAfee Death

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on the death of John McAfee and what McAfee’s widow thinks about the allegations of suicide. David also comments on the release of the Pentagon UFO reports. Plus, nutritional researcher Tucker Goodrich returns to the show to comment on a new study that shows a correlation between high-fat […]

End Gray Privilege

David Gornoski returns from attending the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference where Mike Pence spoke and gives us a detailed analysis of the takeaways from the gathering. David also announces the start of what could be the biggest movement of our time, the start of the campaign to end gray privilege. It’s time to #believeallhumans. […]

Navy Vet Sean Cahill on His Tic Tac UFO Encounter, Antigravity, and Pentagon UAP Report

David Gornoski and Dr. Weiping Yu sit down with filmmaker and retd. US Navy Chief Master at Arms, Sean Cahill, for a deep-diving conversation on his encounter with tictac-shaped UFOs while onboard the USS Nimitz. Could these UFOs be hypersonic drones? How were these objects able to propel themselves? Can traditional Newtonian physics explain this […]

Nationalism, Globalism or Personhood?

David Gornoski begins the episode by highlighting how we must move beyond the media’s fixation on persona and focus on principles. We can’t always be anti-something if we’re not for something. What would the food, medicine, entertainment, and other industries look like if all of them were decentralized? Is nationalism the answer to globalism? Why […]

Special Science and U: Michio Kaku and Weiping Yu on the God Equation

In this special Science and U conversation, David Gornoski and Dr. Weiping Yu sit down with renowned physicist Michio Kaku, author of the bestseller The God Equation. Michio Kaku talks about the inspiration behind writing the God Equation, string theory, unifying quantum theory and relativity, the existence of other universes, the existence of a “hyperspace,” […]

There Are No Kids in Cages

A new transmission has arrived at A Neighbor’s Choice: “There are no kids in cages,” the state-submitted media declares. Why are we refusing to humble ourselves and submit to the state? Why are we being defiant by promoting liberty and free-thinking? “Perhaps it is our lack of faith in the state that has led us […]