THINGS HIDDEN 71: Alex Kaschuta on Court Jesters and Culture War

In this THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski is joined by Alex Kaschuta, host of the Subversive podcast. Alex Kaschuta critiques the recent trend of liberals criticizing wokeism within a social libertarian atmosphere. Where is this trajectory of wokeness headed? Would the New York Times ever champion the rights of Afghan children killed by Biden’s drone […]

Joni McGary on the State of College Drug Mandates

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] To what extent has Big Tech captured the world wide web? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also in the show, Joni McGary, Co-Founder of No College Mandates, calls in to talk about the state of pandemic restrictions that are continuing to […]

Ben Swann on the Rise of Independent Media

The Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist guest hosts and he begins the show by commenting on Ukraine’s ever-growing demand for financial and military aid as well as the profits of Big Pharma companies during the pandemic. Are the pandemic restrictions coming back? Listen to the full episode to find out. Plus, Investigative journalist Ben Swann calls […]

Tho Bishop on Biden’s Health Crisis

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] The Mises Institute‘s Tho Bishop calls in to comment on Biden’s recent health crisis, the possibility of Trump vs. Pence, Mises Institute’s economics program, whether Ron DeSantis could concentrate on DC, and more.

Science and U: Controlling Fruit Flies With Magnetism

 [Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] Can scientists control other creatures through magnetism? A recent experiment claims we can. Did astronomers just discover a new type of black hole? Can galaxies evolve? How is consciousness related to magnetism? Physicist Dr. Weiping Yu answers these questions in a brand new […]

Questions for Polk County Schools

David Gornoski expands on his response to Polk County Schools’ dismissal of his article. While responding, David also provides some valuable background information on this ongoing story. In light of what’s happening right now around the country, how important is it to hold schools accountable for their actions? Listen to the full episode to find […]

Polk Schools, Do Bedoya’s Victims Deserve Their Day in Civil Court?

Dear Polk County Public Schools, When I was a graduate of your schools you told me I could be anything I wanted to be. Now I am a radio host and opinion writer and I have questions. Currently, Polk County Public Schools’ new Senior Director for Digital Learning Lindsay Sharp’s integrity is being challenged by […]

Woke Conspiracy Theories vs. the Gospel

David Gornoski comments on the recent news surrounding the judge ruling on Steve Bannon. Also in the show, David offers his insights on Woke conspiracy theories being taught in schools, how Christianity heals our fractured society, why we must stay involved in our local communities, censored news on the state-decreed drugs, how we can fight […]

Why Is Military Recruitment Declining?

How do we get past being fixated on our rivals and build a culture of excellence? What do we make of all the recent talk about UFOs; are they just distractions or do they deserve attention? How much of our current socio-political crisis is due to disrupted families? Why is military recruitment declining? Listen to […]

Narratives in a Cross-Haunted Society

What do we make of the rise of autism in children from 2017 to 2020? Why are outlets like the New York Times so effective in crafting narratives for the masses? What is Ukraine doing with the weapons that are being supplied to them by the United States? How ridiculous have places of education become […]